Learn more about us

Our mission and values demonstrate our priorities and are an outworking of our beliefs.

Learn more about us

Our mission and values demonstrate our priorities and are an outworking of our beliefs.

Our Mission

Boiling down our central purposes as a church is vital to providing clarity and purpose to all that we do.  Our mission provides language to return to—over and over—that will shape the rhythms and priorities of Redeemer.


Delighting in Christ

We believe that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to have peace and joy in life. There is nothing more important to us than knowing and enjoying Christ together in all of life. This desire is at the heart of all that we do.

Loving One Another

As God has loved us, we are called to love one another. This is the great commandment that Jesus has given to His followers and is evidence of a healthy church. While we do not do this perfectly, we are always seeking to grow in love through our fellowship together.



Proclaiming the Gospel

God has commissioned His church to proclaim the good news of the Gospel to all people. As followers of Jesus, it is our great joy and privilege to participate in this glorious task. We love Jesus, we love talking about Jesus, and it is our hope to make Jesus known throughout all of Newark.

Serving Our Community​

As a church, we are committed to partnering with those around us to help meet the needs of our local community. We want to be good neighbors, coworkers, and friends as we care for our city together.


Our Values

Core Values are important because they describe—concretely—how we operate and behave as a church. Essentially, Redeemer Fellowship’s core values are our beliefs made visible, expressed in plain and simple language.


It’s all about Jesus. From beginning to end, the Bible points us to the amazing reality that God has been merciful to sinners by sending Jesus. We want to display God’s glory by celebrating, proclaiming, and living the gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Based on the Scriptures alone, we believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. God has graciously chosen a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. We are glad recipients of his marvelous grace.


We believe Jesus has called the whole church to be on mission until the day that he returns. Embracing our identity as those who are sent by Jesus is essential to understanding all of life.


To do what Jesus has commanded us to do, we need power. Thankfully, God himself provides this power through the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer. The Holy Spirit empowers us for life and mission and gives supernatural gifts to build up the church, just as He did in the book of Acts.


Men and women, while different, are both created in the image of God to display the glory of God by reflecting the relationships of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and of Christ to the church. According to God’s good design, men and women play distinct, but complementary, roles in the church and the home.


Jesus Christ reigns as head over the church, and He gives His church elders (pastors) to govern and lead under His authority. We believe that men, qualified by both character and gifting, are to serve as elders by loving God’s people.


In the Bible, we see the importance of interdependence among God’s churches. At Redeemer Fellowship, we seek to express a similar interdependence with other Sovereign Grace churches through our common fellowship, mission, and governance. This allows us to do far more together than we could ever do alone.


We enjoy a rich relationship with churches in the Newark area, in the broader United States, and  around the world to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Our Beliefs

What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.

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Celebrate the hope of Christmas with us on Monday, December 23rd, at 7:00PM. All are welcome!