
Deep theological preaching from the Word of God is foundational here at Redeemer. You can listen to a featured sermon or check out our full sermon archive.


Deep theological preaching from the Word of God is foundational here at Redeemer. You can listen to a featured sermon or check out our full sermon archive.

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Featured Sermons

Featured sermons are handpicked messages that give you an introduction to the preaching at Redeemer Fellowship.  Check out our full sermon archive for all past messages.

The Ark Of The Covenant

Exodus 25:8-22 | October 29, 2023

Joel Shorey

In its design and content, the Ark of the Covenant perfectly pictures God’s holiness and mercy for sinful people. 

The Sum of Your Life

Genesis 25:1-18

Joel Shorey

As we look at the life of Abraham, we see that, for those whose faith is in Christ, the sum of their lives’ is defined by nothing but grace and mercy from God.

Five Loaves, Two Fish and Jesus

John 6

Jason Stowell

As we come to understand how generous God is toward us, we are then able to joyfully and confidently serve others as well.

Peace! Be Still.

Mark 4: 35-41

Joel Shorey

In the story of Jesus calming the storm, we are given a wonderful picture of our God who is powerful and loving and who is able to provide for us in all circumstances.

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What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.

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Celebrate the hope of Christmas with us on Monday, December 23rd, at 7:00PM. All are welcome!