Visit on Sunday
Learn more about what you can expect at our Sunday morning gatherings.
Visit on Sunday
Learn more about what you can expect at our Sunday morning gatherings.
What to expect on Sunday mornings
A step by step guide so you know exactly what to expect.
Join us at 10:00 AM at the Independence school in Newark, DE. Dress casually or dress up, but come as you are!
Redeemer Fellowship is located at the Independence School, off of Paper Mill Road on Route 72. After turning into the school, follow the Redeemer Fellowship signs down the driveway and around the back of the school to the parking lot.
There will be a friendly greeter who will say hello. On your way in be sure to fill out a welcome card before entering the auditorium.
Have Kids?
We look forward to meeting your little one! RedeemerKIDS is the name for our Sunday morning children’s ministry. We offer classes for children from 1 year old through 4th grade.
When you walk in you’ll see a sign for RedeemerKids and you’ll be welcomed by a coordinator who will walk you through the process of dropping off your kids. In order to ensure the highest level of safety for our children we run background checks on all children’s ministry workers and utilize an electronic check-in/check-out system.
You can expect a variety of worship songs and music styles on Sunday mornings.
We love to glorify God together here at Redeemer Fellowship, and one way we do so is through singing. Our hope is that you will find an atmosphere where you and your family can experience God and join us in worshiping Him together.
Bible Teaching
Each week you will hear verse by verse teaching from the Bible that is applicable to everyday life.
We believe that the preaching of God’s Word is the most important part of our Sunday morning gatherings, and that it is essential to our growth and joy in every season of life. The Bible is the inspired word of God, and every part of it points us toward Jesus. Here at Redeemer Fellowship you will find preaching that is faithful to God’s word and has application for all of life.
Get Involved
Fellowship groups, ministries, and service teams are great ways to use your talents and get to know new people. These opportunities provide a springboard to get integrated into the Redeemer Fellowship community.
We know that getting to know people, building friendships, and finding your niche can be a bit daunting. But we think that you’ll find the members at Redeemer to be welcoming, friendly, and helpful. Start by coming on a Sunday morning and learn about the specific ways to get connected.
What's it like visiting Redeemer Fellowship?
Watch this short video!
Meet the Leadership
Our team is made up of people who love the Lord and aim to humbly serve Redeemer Fellowship and the surrounding Newark community.